The Risk-based Vulnerability Assessment reviews climate risks to and vulnerabilities of the transportation system by evaluating recent trends and latest projections to understand future climate change; identifying which components of the transportation system are most likely to be impacted by…
CMAP is developing a Transportation Resilience Improvement Plan (TRIP) that will identify transportation assets vulnerable to climate change and prioritize them for equitable resilience investments. The first phase in developing TRIP is to assess climate risks to and vulnerabilities of…
Local and state agencies jointly evaluated the northeastern Illinois’ busiest railroad crossings and identified 47 priority crossings for grade separations or improvements.
This document lays out the congestion management process (CMP) for the seven-county northeastern Illinois region. The CMP is a federally required process for comprehensively addressing surface transportation system congestion. The CMP provides accurate, up-to-date information on transportation system performance and…
Water 2050, a science-based and stakeholder-driven plan for avoiding imbalances between water supply and demand, seeks to ensure that our region’s relatively finite water supplies will be available for years to come, even as millions of new residents are expected…
Read the executive summary for CMAP’s Speed Management report, which explores the factors that contribute to speed-related traffic safety risks and provides recommendations on road design, speed limit policy, education, and equitable enforcement.
CMAP’s Speed Management report explores the factors that contribute to speed-related traffic safety risks and provides recommendations on road design, speed limit policy, education, and equitable enforcement. The report proposes that the region adopt the Safe System Approach to achieve…