This report highlights studies of locations where connections between Forest Preserve District of Cook County trails and local bicycle and pedestrian systems could be improved.
This project’s goals were to to assist Lake Zurich officials, staff, and residents to integrate water supply, stormwater, and wastewater resources management; and to embed that work in the village’s broader strategic plan.
Phase 1 undertook a preliminary scan of the economic and community characteristics of the South Suburbs, including review of existing plans and studies, initial quantitative market analysis, and interviews with more than 70 stakeholders to develop a baseline understanding of…
This Roosevelt Road Corridor Plan is intended to serve as an update to the City of Wheaton’s Comprehensive Plan, providing specific policy guidance for the eastern section of Roosevelt Road — one of the most prominent commercial corridors within the…
Guided by the village’s efforts to assess existing conditions, evaluate opportunities in the community, and craft a renewed vision for Romeoville, the 2017 Comprehensive Plan builds off of the 2001 version of the plan and prepares the village for the…
The plan targets a primary transit oriented development (TOD) area within a quarter mile of a Metra station and a secondary TOD area that extends west a half mile from the Metra station to Claire Boulevard — an important community…
The comprehensive plan is the village’s official policy document for future growth and development. It informs local decisions regarding land use, infrastructure, transportation, parks and recreation, and community services and facilities.
The Village of Niles Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan builds off of existing plans and related regional planning efforts to develop an implementable strategy for creating a more walkable and bikeable community.
To address challenges regarding livability and freight and build on recommendations of the Will County Community Friendly Freight Mobility Plan, CMAP and Will County took on the Moving Will County project, which included a truck routing and communities study and…