A message from the CMAP board

Communities across the nation and northeastern Illinois are voicing their grief and outrage over the senseless killing of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and far too many others.

As CMAP board members and as community leaders, we want to clearly reaffirm our commitment to racial and ethnic equity. The principles of our regional plan, ON TO 2050 — inclusive growth, prioritized investments, and resilience — will guide us as we strive to do better by Black communities and other communities of color. Our efforts must include creating change in the short term and making long-term investments.

Purple flowers in a garden

Local and regional governments have a powerful role and responsibility to play in helping those with the most needs and fewest resources thrive. As one example, CMAP has transformed the way we allocate transportation dollars so that more resources are available to our most vulnerable communities. This was an approach developed with support from the city of Chicago and all 11 Councils of Mayors in the region, and we continue to pursue other ways to center equity in our agency and in our work.

This is a moment that requires collective action and a shared vision for our future. We stand against racism, hate, and discrimination, and support safe, healthy, and more prosperous communities for everyone. CMAP will work with our partners to be part of solutions that advance equity and opportunity across our seven counties and 284 communities. As we grow and learn, we invite you to join us in building a more equitable and inclusive region.