Water use will continue declining, but forecasted demand will exceed available groundwater supplies in some areas.
Households from across northeastern Illinois invited to share how they get around to help guide future transportation investments.
Hybrid work continues to transform the way many workers in northeastern Illinois travel. The Urban Transportation Center at UIC is conducting research to understand employer perspectives regarding hybrid work.
The data-rich snapshots summarize key details for the region’s counties, municipalities, and Chicago community areas.
CMAP compiled a new dataset to help decision makers target investments in communities disproportionally impacted by flooding.
CMAP recently released the 2020 Land Use Inventory, a survey of northeastern Illinois’ land use. Updated from 2018, the data is available for download. This data is a resource for planners, transportation agencies, federal and state agencies, university researchers, non-governmental…
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and its partners — ComEd and the Respiratory Health Association — received a $500,000 award through the federal Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) initiative. The U.S. Department of Energy’s C2C program supports community-driven…
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s (CMAP) latest public opinion survey of northeastern Illinois reveals residents’ attitudes toward key quality-of-life issues — including transportation, the economy, and climate — and identifies successes and challenges across the region. CMAP conducted the…
The ways people and goods move through northeastern Illinois has changed significantly in the years since the COVID-19 pandemic started. The region’s roads are more congested while transit ridership has steadily increased from early pandemic lows. Crashes involving bicyclists, pedestrians,…