The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s (CMAP) Executive Director Erin Aleman is being recognized for her leadership and service this week by the March of Dimes. Erin received the Leadership in the Public Sector award at the 2024 Construction and Transportation Awards…
Households from across northeastern Illinois invited to share how they get around to help guide future transportation investments.
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s (CMAP) Executive Director Erin Aleman is in the national spotlight this week being recognized for her leadership and excellence in state and regional planning. The National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) awarded Aleman with…
Technical assistance to improve traffic safety, make travel more accessible, increase transportation choices, and help communities prosper.
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning delivers ‘Plan of Action for Regional Transit’ to state legislators Leaders from across the region — including state, county and local elected officials — along with regional business and civic leaders publicly praised the completion…
“A powerful force for driving growth and creating opportunities throughout the region.” Today, regional leaders announced the formation of the Greater Chicagoland Economic Partnership, a first-of-its-kind united effort including the City of Chicago, Cook County, and six counties across metropolitan…
The Community Alliance for Regional Equity launches January 2023 The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) is excited to announce the inaugural cohort of a new pilot program designed to bring greater equity into regional planning, the Community Alliance for Regional…
Ending traffic fatalities is a top priority for Illinois transportation agencies With deadly traffic crashes surging, state and local transportation leaders in Illinois are doubling down on efforts to end traffic fatalities. In the United States, traffic fatalities are up…
The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) kicked off today a collaborative planning initiative to make electric vehicles and charging stations more accessible and equitable to use in northeastern Illinois. CMAP hosted more than 30 individuals from government agencies, community…