Most of the region’s roads were designed using standards that pre-date the increased number of freeze-thaw cycles, heavy rain events, and hotter, wetter conditions posed by the region’s changing climate. Transportation modernization efforts should promote infrastructure that is built or retrofitted to revised design standards that take the anticipated climate of the region into account. Identifying locations at risk of flooding and then retrofitting these locations to handle current and future rain events can help maintain regional and local mobility, appropriately balance increased up-front costs with risk, and ensure that investments are built to last. The Regional Transportation Authority, Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), and several county transportation agencies are already working to identify portions of the existing transportation system that are vulnerable to flooding and incorporating solutions into their long-range capital plans or operational response plans.

At the local level, municipalities must also address the vulnerability of their streets to flooding and other climate change impacts. Through the Local Technical Assistance program, CMAP could assist communities in vulnerability assessments to help inform capital improvement plans and corresponding design considerations. As new information on precipitation trends evolves and floodplain maps are updated, the local and regional vulnerability assessments should be updated periodically to reflect changing conditions. While the above assessments will help identify existing assets at risk of flooding, the region also should work to avoid expanding new streets and highways into flood prone areas. Avoiding road construction in floodplains may not always be possible; where necessary, such roads must be designed with future climate conditions in mind.

Action 1

Conduct studies to determine the vulnerability of transportation infrastructure to climate change impacts and design projects to accommodate the projected precipitation during its designed lifespan.


CMAP and transportation implementers

Action 2

Conduct a regional climate vulnerability assessment of the transportation system to inform long-range transportation planning and programming.


CMAP and partners

Action 3

Develop a regional pavement flooding reporting system to help plan for flood events.


CMAP and partners

Action 4

Incorporate climate resilience( The ability of our region and its communities to prepare for and recover from the acute shocks and ...
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and flooding criteria into transportation programming processes.



Action 5

Review and update design manuals to ensure that the underlying climate data being used is up to date.


State and local infrastructure agencies

Action 6

Support continued efforts to integrate stormwater management into land use and transportation planning projects.


CMAP and partners