GO TO 2040 called for a variety of energy and climate change policy actions that are best completed at the federal and state levels, and ON TO 2050 reaffirms the commitment to national GHG reduction targets. In December 2015, 187 countries adopted the universal and legally binding Paris Agreement that calls for key outcomes that support climate action.{{United Nations, “The Paris Agreement,” 2018, http://unfccc.int/paris_agreement/items/9485.php.}} The U.S. pledged to reduce its emissions 26 to 28 percent relative to 2005 levels by 2025, and 80 percent by 2050. While the Clean Power Plan, the first federal regulation that limits carbon pollution, and other initiatives have stalled,{{U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “Complying with President Trump’s Executive Order on Energy Independence,” 2017, https://www.epa.gov/energy-independence.}} individual states are continuing to push reduction targets from power plant emissions and are taking additional measures such as improving fuel efficiency standards and the carbon content of fuels, reducing industrial emissions, and establishing policies to promote energy conservation and renewable energy. Existing federal and state transportation, housing, and energy policies should be reviewed to better integrate carbon reduction strategies. In addition to federal regulation, innovative market mechanisms for mitigating carbon emissions, such as carbon fee and dividend proposals, have the potential to transform our response to reduction targets.

Action 1

Uphold commitment to the Paris Agreement and continue federal involvement in strategies to achieve these goals, including the expansion of renewable energy and efficiency programs and exploration of market mechanisms for reducing GHG emissions.


Federal government

Action 2

Continue to implement the Future Energy Jobs Act and other emission reduction policies and programs that promote energy conservation and transition the region to renewable sources.


The state

Action 3

Regularly update the GHG inventory to provide critical information to stakeholders on the implementation of emission reduction strategies.



Action 4

Create a regional climate action plan to identify further strategies to move toward ON TO 2050’s emissions reductions target and consider setting sector-specific targets for energy and transportation.


CMAP and partners