The region’s public transit system faces a $19 billion backlog simply to reach a state of good repair.{{Regional Transportation Authority, “Invest in Transit: The 2018-2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan.”}} If supported by diverse and sustainable sources of state, federal, and local funding, transit agencies would be empowered to improve the system’s state of good repair, modernize and enhance the system, support low-income riders, and confidently move forward with high-priority projects. The need to increase revenue for the transportation system more broadly is central to the financial recommendations of ON TO 2050. Unless structured carefully, many revenue options under consideration have the potential to provide significantly more revenue for roads than transit. New revenues should provide substantive benefit for the public transit system and help the region achieve a well-integrated multimodal system. For example, automobile user fees should be used flexibly to improve the region’s transit, bicycle, and pedestrian infrastructure. See the Fully fund the region’s transportation system recommendation in the Mobility chapter for more information.