Walkable downtowns and community nodes require infrastructure that prioritizes safety and movement of pedestrians, bicyclists, and other vulnerable users. Providing a protected, friendly environment for all also promotes the success and vitality of placemaking and community building efforts. The region has implemented many best practices to promote safety. Pedestrian countdown signals, better road markings, protected left turn phases, designs that lower left turn speeds, and traffic-calming treatments all improve the safety of pedestrians at intersections, but more needs to be done. Roadway redesigns that lower speeds and allocate space to pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit — often referred to as complete streets — can maintain vehicular throughput while making roads safer for all users. Effective lighting, distinct pavement markings, improved signs, less complicated intersections, pedestrian refuge islands, and all-red clearance intervals can improve safety for all ages and users. The most effective pedestrian improvements require connectivity with surrounding developments to ensure functionality. Local governments and transportation agencies should pursue best practices and innovative tools to improve safety in downtowns and main streets. Please see the improve travel safety recommendation in the Mobility chapter for more information on safety across all modes.