Roadway design requirements that prioritize capacity over other goals can help or impede the ability to implement modern best practices like complete streets or innovative practices such as stormwater management. State and county roadway design requirements, as well as associated processes to approve changes, can greatly affect how local governments and transportation agencies are able to pursue their comprehensive goals for transportation, land use, and the environment. As communities in northeastern Illinois consider how to improve their bicycle and pedestrian facilities, improve truck access and routing, and meet other ON TO 2050 transportation priorities, it will be increasingly important for other roadway jurisdictions to strengthen relationships to achieve these goals. Action 1 Work with communities to implement local goals for the transportation system, such as increased bicycle and pedestrian resources, improved truck access and routing, and other ON TO 2050 priorities. Implementers IDOT and counties Action 2 Revise design manuals to better integrate modern best practices. Implementers IDOT