Walkable communities and safe, connected networks for bicycling can reduce the number of automobile trips, reduce vehicle miles traveled, and improve the overall performance of the transportation system. Although significant progress has been made in building out the regional greenway and trails network, most destinations for shorter, functional trips, such as to work, shopping, and social gatherings, are not accessible by off-street paths alone.

While on-street facilities can put cyclists in conflict with motorists, recent improvements in design and engineering can reduce these conflicts and respect local character. Complete Streets is a transportation policy and design approach that requires streets to be planned, designed, operated, and maintained to enable safe, convenient, and comfortable travel and access for all anticipated roadway users, regardless of their age, abilities, or mode of travel. Complete Streets can improve quality of life in a variety of ways. For example, many aspects of Complete Streets are beneficial for seniors or people with disabilities, as long as those amenities are designed with care to ensure that they do not obstruct pathways. The State of Illinois was one of the first states to adopt a Complete Streets policy in 2007, and now 37 governments and agencies in our region have adopted such a policy. CMAP has also developed a Complete Streets Toolkit with guidance for local governments interested in adopting a policy. Many of the region’s roadways that could be safest and most attractive to cyclists are also under municipal or county jurisdiction. These local governments should adopt Complete Streets policies as a first step to increasing options for active transportation and making public rights of way accessible to all users.

Action 1

Implement the Regional Greenways and Trails Plan.


CMAP and partners

Action 2

Continue to adopt and implement Complete Streets policies.


Local governments

Action 3

Encourage local agencies to engineer and develop on-street bikeways that increase access to functional destinations.


CMAP and partners

Action 4

Prioritize investment in bicycle projects that improve access to functional destinations.
