Community goals for specific types of retail, office, or industrial development do not always match regional economic trends or subregional market potential. Markets for real estate or particular industries do not align with municipal boundaries. To foster achievable goals, communities should incorporate market analysis into planning processes, using technical analysis to inform objectives. A market analysis should assess current and forecasted demographic trends, recent development and absorption activity, competitive existing development, industry mix, existing assets and infrastructure, and similar factors. This analysis can help local governments set near and long-term goals in the planning process. Local governments may need to plan for new infrastructure or some types of development to generate other desired developments, such as increasing housing units to support downtown restaurants or retail. Similarly, planned industrial may require new truck routes and infrastructure to limit impacts on adjacent uses. Action 1 Incorporate market analysis into all planning processes, but particularly in developing comprehensive, strategic, and subarea plans and in considering economic development incentives. Implementers Local governments Action 2 Plan for markets that cross community boundaries, including partnering with jurisdictions within the same markets when developing economic development and land use plans. Implementers Local governments Action 3 Implement best practices for subregional economic development to better support market-driven development, reduce costs, and implement local and regional goals. Implementers Local governments, business organizations, and other key partners Action 4 Provide educational materials and training about market-feasible planning and development to local governments. Implementers CMAP and partners, such as the Urban Land Institute (ULI) Action 5 Provide subject matter expertise and technical assistance to communities that are collaborating to plan for subregional and regional markets. Implementers CMAP