In an era of constrained resources, the State of Illinois and local governments need to ensure that investments in infrastructure and public services are based on their performance relative to established goals and targets, rather than on arbitrarily derived formulas. Since the passage of Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), the federal government has also emphasized the importance of data-driven investment in transportation infrastructure. A performance-based approach has broader applications, such as for evaluating services to ensure that investments are in line with priorities. Yet agencies integrating performance-based processes may not always have data available to fully implement them. Specifically with regard to transportation, CMAP and the state can provide a variety of funding and technical resources to help local governments implement pavement management systems. Action 1 Continue to advance a performance-based approach to programming Surface Transportation Program-Local, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, and Transportation Alternatives Program. Implementers CMAP, in collaboration with other implementers Action 2 Explore ways to improve the uniformity of data collection and analysis as part of asset management systems and to encourage increased data sharing. Implementers The region Action 3 Implement asset management systems to facilitate better-informed investment choices, such as systems to manage pavement condition or water infrastructure. Implementers Local governments Action 4 Help local governments create asset management systems, starting with efforts to pilot local implementation of pavement management. Implementers CMAP, with assistance from the Illinois Department of Transportation Action 5 Program infrastructure funding based on performance, rather than by formula. Implementers The state, transit agencies, CMAP and other entities