The MPO Policy Committee is the decision-making body for all regional transportation plans and programs in northeastern Illinois. The Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Committee is designated by the governor of Illinois and northeastern Illinois local officials as the region’s MPO. The MPO Policy Committee plans, develops, and maintains an affordable, safe, and efficient transportation system for the region — or metropolitan planning area. It is the forum through which local decision makers develop regional plans and programs. The MPO Policy Committee and CMAP Board have jointly adopted a memorandum of understanding that is the framework for integrating land use and transportation through CMAP’s regional comprehensive planning process. The agreement covers the working relationship between the two boards, whose responsibilities are defined in the Regional Planning Act and federal legislation. By adopting this agreement, the MPO Policy Committee and CMAP Board affirmed their commitment to coordinate and integrate the region’s planning for land use and transportation in an open and collaborative process. Members Name Representing Title/Position Profile Frank Beal Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Member ext-link Frank Beal profile opens in a new tab Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant Will County Member ext-link Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant profile opens in a new tab Matthew Brolley Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Member ext-link Matthew Brolley profile opens in a new tab Kelley Brookins Federal Transit Administration Non-voting member ext-link Kelley Brookins profile opens in a new tab Michael Buehler McHenry County Member ext-link Michael Buehler profile opens in a new tab Tom Carney Chicago Department of Transportation Member ext-link Tom Carney profile opens in a new tab Dorval Carter Chicago Transit Authority Member ext-link Dorval Carter profile opens in a new tab Deb Conroy DuPage County Member ext-link Deb Conroy profile opens in a new tab Jim Derwinski Metra Member ext-link Jim Derwinski profile opens in a new tab Thomas Evenson Class One Railroads Non-voting member ext-link Thomas Evenson profile opens in a new tab Scott Gengler Kendall County Member ext-link Scott Gengler profile opens in a new tab Sandy Hart Lake County Member ext-link Sandy Hart profile opens in a new tab Jennifer “Sis” Killen Cook County Member ext-link Jennifer “Sis” Killen profile opens in a new tab Richard Kwasneski Pace Member ext-link Richard Kwasneski profile opens in a new tab Omer Osman Illinois Department of Transportation Chair ext-link Omer Osman profile opens in a new tab Corinne Pierog Kane County Member ext-link Corinne Pierog profile opens in a new tab Leanne Redden Regional Transportation Authority Vice chair ext-link Leanne Redden profile opens in a new tab Cassaundra Rouse Illinois State Toll Highway Authority Member ext-link Cassaundra Rouse profile opens in a new tab Jeffery Schielke Council of Mayors Member ext-link Jeffery Schielke profile opens in a new tab Vershun Tolliver Federal Highway Administration Non-voting member ext-link Vershun Tolliver profile opens in a new tab close-x-circle Post Modal Title This is the post content Resources MPO Policy Committee bylaws Transportation management area certification review (2022) Planning process certification (2021) Upcoming events Event date/start date 09 Jan MPO Policy Committee meeting Event time 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Event date/start date 13 Mar MPO Policy Committee meeting Event time 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Meeting Materials Agendas and other materials are posted on CMAP’s external meeting website one week before the meeting date. Public meetings website ext-link Opens in a new tab Contact the MPO Policy Committee liaison Aimee Lee, Committee updates Subscribe for committee updates Opens in a modal