Leading up to ON TO 2050’s adoption, CMAP staff produced snapshot reports, strategy papers, and other reports describing regional trends and conditions, developing policy direction on new topics, and previewing the plan’s principles and direction.

Plan development materials

Find information and links to learn more about ON TO 2050’s development process through completed materials.

Following the initial research and engagement phase of the plan’s development that began in February 2016, CMAP issued an Emerging Priorities Report that was adopted in October 2016.

The ON TO 2050 Plan Preview Report was adopted in October 2017 following public comment and engagement the prior summer. The report organizes strategic recommendations across three overarching principles: resilience, inclusive growth, and prioritized investment.

During the public comment period, CMAP received over 900 comments on the draft plan. Thank you to everyone who submitted comments, contributed feedback, and shared the draft plan during the public comment period.

The ON TO 2050 Public Engagement Summary details CMAP’s extensive activities to engage the public during the development of ON TO 2050.

Phase 1: Big Ideas

ON TO 2050 public engagement officially began with a launch event in February 2016. From March through August 2016, CMAP staff and stakeholder groups held more than 100 workshops and participated in forums and related events across the region, engaging more than 3,000 individuals from the private sector, transportation agencies, educational institutions, municipalities, counties, community groups, and nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. The public comments received in this first phase of public engagement for the ON TO 2050 plan were included in an appendix to the Emerging Priorities Report.

Phase 2: Alternative Futures

Read a summary of the Alternative Futures engagement phase (April-August 2017), during which CMAP connected with more than 2,500 residents in 127 workshops and five topical forums, with another 61,000 providing input via interactive kiosks. Capping off these activities was a speech to the City Club of Chicago by then CMAP executive director Joe Szabo.

Alternative Futures Forum Series

Big Ideas Forums (2016-17)

Phase 3: Draft ON TO 2050 plan

During this phase, CMAP held eleven Open Houses and one Public Hearing, as well as continuing conversations with the agency’s partners. The open houses also offered public review of the draft 2019-24 Transportation Improvement Program and air quality conformity analysis of proposed transportation projects. Over 200 residents attended the regional open houses, which preceded a public hearing for the draft ON TO 2050 plan in CMAP’s offices at the end of July.

The Public Comment Summary Appendix compiles each comment received on the draft plan during the June 15 – August 14, 2018 public comment period. A separate response log summarizes the comments, and details staff responses and changes to the ON TO 2050 plan for each comment.