Measuring how people get around northeastern Illinois

My Daily Travel logo, including graphic icons of a pedestrian, wheelchair user, cyclist, car, bus, and train.

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) periodically surveys households throughout northeastern Illinois about their travel habits to learn more about how and why people navigate the region. The survey, also known as My Daily Travel, is currently underway in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties, and asks about trips made for work, school, shopping, errands, and socializing with family and friends. 

As travel behaviors change and technologies evolve over the next few years, transportation planners will use the survey data to guide future transportation investments and prioritize improvements for a more efficient transportation system.  

If you receive an invitation to participate in the My Daily Travel survey, please visit to learn more and complete the survey. Keep an eye on your mailbox if you haven’t received an invitation already! Please direct any questions to, and sign-up for CMAP’s newsletter to stay informed about the survey. 

Sample images of survey invitation materials, including letter and postcard.

Pictured: Sample survey invitation letter and postcard invited households will receive.

2019 survey results and analysis

CMAP created a four-part policy brief series on the latest My Daily Travel survey exploring how the data can help northeastern Illinois better understand everyday travel patterns. The series dives into the characteristics of regional travel, examines disparities in travel behavior, and highlights new and emerging forms of mobility.

How people travel in northeastern Illinois

The first part of the My Daily Travel series provides insight into the questions of when, where, why, and how much people in the region are traveling. It explores the different ways residents move around the northeastern Illinois for work, school, and essential trips like health care appointments. Read the full analysis: A pre-pandemic snapshot of travel in northeastern Illinois.

Travel patterns in the region change by demographics

The second part of the series investigates disparities in regional travel. It looks at how residents experience the transportation system differently based on age, household income, disability status, and race and ethnicity. Read the full analysis: The experience of moving around the region varies based on who is traveling.

The effects of telecommunting on travel in the region

The third part of the series examines telecommuting behavior, and what survey data says about the future of remote work in northeastern Illinois. It also explores the effect remote work has on peak travel times and trips. Read the full analysis: Pre-COVID telecommuting patterns reveal possible future impacts of remote work.

Ride-hailing and bike-share services were changing regional mobility before the pandemic

Even before the onset of COVID-19, new and emerging forms of mobility were gaining popularity in northeastern Illinois. In the fourth part of the series, CMAP looks at the potential effects these services may have on regional mobility going forward. It examines the rapid growth of ride-hailing services and transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft, as well as the emergence of Divvy and other bike-sharing systems. Read the full analysis: Changes in mobility were underway even before COVID-19.

Previous surveys