The Board approves CMAP’s annual budget and work plan and provides operational oversight. The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) Board features balanced representation from across the counties of Cook, DuPage, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry, and Will. The Board includes 15 voting members and non-voting members. The CMAP Board and MPO Policy Committee jointly adopted a memorandum of understanding covering the working relationship between the two boards, whose responsibilities are defined in the Regional Planning Act and federal legislation. By adopting this agreement, the MPO Policy Committee and CMAP Board affirmed their commitment to coordinate and integrate the region’s planning for land use and transportation in an open and collaborative process. Members Name Representing Title/Position Profile Frank Beal Chicago Member ext-link Frank Beal profile opens in a new tab Gerald Bennett Southwest Cook County Chair ext-link Gerald Bennett profile opens in a new tab Matthew Brolley Kane/Kendall counties Member ext-link Matthew Brolley profile opens in a new tab Jada Curry Suburban Cook County Member ext-link Jada Curry profile opens in a new tab Gary Grasso DuPage County Member ext-link Gary Grasso profile opens in a new tab Paul Hoefert Northwest Cook County Member ext-link Paul Hoefert profile opens in a new tab Nina Idemudia Chicago Member ext-link Nina Idemudia profile opens in a new tab Abolfazl “Kouros” Mohammadian Governor Non-voting member ext-link Abolfazl “Kouros” Mohammadian profile opens in a new tab John Noak Will County Member ext-link John Noak profile opens in a new tab Leanne Redden MPO Policy Committee Non-voting member ext-link Leanne Redden profile opens in a new tab Richard Reinbold South Cook County Member ext-link Richard Reinbold profile opens in a new tab John Roberson Chicago Member ext-link John Roberson profile opens in a new tab Nancy Rotering Lake County Member ext-link Nancy Rotering profile opens in a new tab Joanna Ruiz Chicago Member ext-link Joanna Ruiz profile opens in a new tab Carolyn Schofield McHenry County Vice chair ext-link Carolyn Schofield profile opens in a new tab Anne Sheahan Chicago Vice chair ext-link Anne Sheahan profile opens in a new tab Matthew Walsh West Cook County Member ext-link Matthew Walsh profile opens in a new tab Vacant Governor Non-voting member close-x-circle Post Modal Title This is the post content Resources CMAP Board bylaws Upcoming events Event date/start date 13 Nov CMAP Board meeting Event time 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Event date/start date 11 Dec CMAP Board meeting Event time 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM Meeting Materials Agendas and other materials are posted on CMAP’s external meeting website one week before the meeting date. Public meetings website ext-link Opens in a new tab Contact the Board’s liaison Jennie Vana, Committee updates Subscribe for committee updates Opens in a modal