Accessibility statement

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) strives to make our website as accessible as possible. We do this by following Section 508 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines produced by the World Wide Web Consortium (the web’s governing body).

Report a problem

If you require assistance or have a problem using our site, please report the issue by contacting us at or 312-454-0400. We will try to fix the issue, and we’ll attempt to provide the information you’re seeking in a format accessible to you.

Find accessibility tools

Many popular browsers contain built-in accessibility tools:

To read Adobe PDF documents that appear on this site with a screen reader, please visit the Adobe Reader accessibility website for useful tools and resources.

Language access

CMAP will take reasonable steps to provide individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP) with meaningful access to agency programs or activities. CMAP will provide free language assistance services to LEP individuals it encounters or whenever an LEP individual requests services.