The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) prepares future traffic projections, supported by a substantial regional travel demand modeling system and a large-scale travel survey. The agency also monitors, analyzes, and provides information on transportation system performance. Find more transportation data on CMAP’s Data Hub. Household travel survey CMAP periodically surveys households throughout northeastern Illinois about their travel habits to learn more about how and why people navigate the region. The next survey kicks off in 2024. Household travel survey Modeling CMAP is the primary agency responsible for the development and maintenance of travel forecasting methods for northeastern Illinois. CMAP’s travel demand models predict transportation system use under a variety of socioeconomic conditions and public policy scenarios. CMAP modeling Regional Transportation Authority Mapping and GIS Portal The Regional Transportation Authority Mapping and Geographic Information Systems Portal contains mapping apps and initiative dashboards, including interactive and downloadable GIS data. Regional Transportation Authority Mapping and Statistics Regional Transportation Authority Mapping and Statistics is a collection of tools for accessing data resources about the six-county metropolitan Chicago region’s transit system developed and maintained by the RTA. Illinois Department of Transportation Open Data Portal The Illinois Department of Transportation Open Data Portal is a platform for exploring and downloading GIS data, as well as discovering and building apps. Safety data The Illinois Department of Transportation also shares safety data, including fatal crash fatalities and safety tiers, which highlight intersections and corridors with higher crash counts. On this page Household travel surveyModelingRegional Transportation Authority Mapping and GIS PortalRegional Transportation Authority Mapping and StatisticsIllinois Department of Transportation Open Data PortalSafety data Upcoming events Event date/start date 28 Feb Transportation Committee meeting Event time 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Event date/start date 13 Mar MPO Policy Committee meeting Event time 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Related data and resources Click to read Household Travel Survey Click to read Household Travel Survey Click to read Modeling Click to read Community Data Snapshots Regional spotlight Click to read New water demand forecast highlights need for sustainable water management Click to read New water demand forecast highlights need for sustainable water management Click to read My Daily Travel survey underway this fall Click to read CMAP developing new socioeconomic forecast to guide future planning efforts Click to read Researchers at UIC’s UTC need your help! Take the Employer Perspectives on Hybrid-Work Survey Data Update Newsletter sign-up Opens in a modal