Thank you for helping us share the Community Data Snapshots.

This page includes text and graphics you can use on your community’s social media, newsletter, and website to share this useful data.

Newsletter text

General announcement

New Community Data Snapshots offer rich resource for northeastern Illinois

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) released a new set of Community Data Snapshots to help local leaders and the public track progress and make informed decisions in their communities. These data-rich snapshots — one for each of the region’s 284 municipalities, 77 Chicago neighborhoods, and 7 counties — summarize demographics, housing, employment, transportation habits, and other key details. Learn more and find your Community Data Snapshot.

Community-specific announcement

Did you know that [insert number of people] live in [insert community name]? How about that [insert industry sector] is the biggest employer of residents? The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning just released a new Community Data Snapshot for [community name], and it’s full of interesting information! Learn more in [community name]’s Community Data Snapshot.

Social media posts

Each of our region’s communities is different, but we made a few sample posts to help you think of ways to share your area’s info.

Tag CMAP (@cmapillinois) so we can like and share your posts. Graphics are available below.

  • Retweet if you’re one of the 44,055 people who live in Lombard! Learn more fun facts about our village in @cmapillinois’ Lombard Community Data Snapshot.
  • Are you a Will County resident who works in health care? Then you aren’t alone — the health care sector is our top employer! See the other top five in @cmapillinois’ Community Data Snapshot for the county.
  • Why do we love Beverly? The history! Did you know that more than 90 percent of homes in Beverly were built before 1970? Learn more about our neighborhood in @cmapillinois’ Community Data Snapshot.
  • Did you know that nearly a quarter of the housing units in The Loop were built after 2010? Discover more information about housing and households in @cmapillinois’ Community Data Snapshots
  • How many people live in your community and how have the demographics changed over time? Look it up in @cmapillinois’ Community Data Snapshots.
  • Looking for demographic, transportation, housing data and more on the Chicago region’s 284 municipalities, 77 Chicago community areas, and 7 counties? Explore the data in @cmapillinois’ updated Community Data Snapshots.
  • How do people in [your community name] commute to work? Find out in @cmapillinois’ updated Community Data Snapshots:
  • How diverse is [your community name]? Find demographic data and more in @cmapillinois’ updated Community Data Snapshots:
  • How many people in [your community name] own their homes? Learn in @cmapillinois’ updated Community Data Snapshots:
  • How much park space is in [your community name]? @cmapillinois’ updated Community Data Snapshots have the answer — and more:
  • In @cmapillinois’ updated Community Data Snapshots, you’ll find new data on people with disabilities, land use, and employment dynamics. Find it at


Customizable graphics (in Canva)

Before making edits, go to File > Make a copy. Then, insert info from your community’s snapshot.

General graphics