Planning for a carbon-free future ON TO 2050, the region’s comprehensive plan, sets an ambitious goal of creating a region prepared for climate change. This is a global problem that requires extraordinary effort, but we know the importance of regional collaboration when it comes to tackling large-scale issues. We must cut emissions drastically to protect communities in our region and around the world. Northeastern Illinois continues to experience devastation from flooding and health hazards from extreme heat. This highlights the importance of both reducing emissions that drive climate change, and building resilience to impacts we cannot avoid. The region has made progress in recent years, decreasing emissions by nearly 10 percent between 2010 and 2019, but we still have a long way to go. To help mitigate climate change, the region’s long-range plan, ON TO 2050, recommends important steps like increasing renewable energy generation, improving energy efficiency and encouraging compact development, and switching more trips to low- and no-carbon transportation alternatives, such as walking, biking, and transit. The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and its partners currently are developing a regional climate action plan for Greater Chicago. Join us as we chart a path forward toward a thriving future. Comprehensive Climate Action Plan for Greater Chicago CMAP has partnered with the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Commission (NIRPC), and stakeholders across the greater Chicago region to create a comprehensive climate action plan. The planning area includes 13 counties stretching from Wisconsin to Indiana. The plan will identify ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all major sources and align Greater Chicago with the national goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. Net-zero means cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with any remaining emissions balanced out by natural carbon sinks or removed by other means. For a densely populated region like Greater Chicago, this means reducing emissions by 80 percent by 2050. This requires bold and decisive action. No single policy change or technology innovation can ensure we meet our regional goal. Public, private, and non-profit organizations will all have to work together to reduce emissions for decades to come. Once final, the plan will provide a path to meet the region’s emissions reduction goals, but that’s not the end. CMAP and NIRPC will use the plan to inform other long-range regional planning efforts. Understanding northeastern Illinois’ emissions CMAP’s 2019 greenhouse gas emissions inventory found that emissions decreased by 9 percent between 2010 and 2019 — an average of 1 percent each year. To meet CMAP’s goal, the region needs to increase the rate of reduction to 5 percent annually through 2050. To help communities reduce emissions and track progress toward long-term goals, CMAP created local emissions summaries for each of the region’s 7 counties, 284 municipalities, and 77 Chicago neighborhoods. The summaries provide a snapshot of emissions from the building, transportation, and waste sectors. Transit is PART of the solution Public transit is critical to northeastern Illinois’ response to climate change. Transportation emissions in our region are growing, and the vast majority of these emissions come from car and truck travel. Transit accounted for 7 percent of trips in 2019, but was responsible for just 2 percent of transportation emissions. Transit also enables more environmentally sustainable land use and development patterns, including the kinds of compact and walkable communities that ON TO 2050 prioritizes. Communities with these characteristics have lower average transportation emissions. Transit must be part of the region’s solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Without transit, the region will fail to meet its emission reduction goals and will exacerbate a rapidly changing climate. Learn more in the Plan of Action for Regional Transit (PART). Create your community’s climate action plan Each of northeastern Illinois’ 7 counties and 284 municipalities has a role to play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but not everyone knows where to begin. During this CMAP Talks webinar, panelists discussed how your community can take climate action and resources you can use. CMAP has also developed resources for communities interested in developing sustainability plans. The Sustainability Planning White Paper provides a step-by-step overview, while the accompanying Sustainability Indicators Guide provides a blueprint for selecting sustainability indicators and measuring progress on goals over time. Support climate action in your community There are many things you can do to support climate action in your community. Sign up for CMAP’s climate newsletter to hear about funding opportunities for planning and implementation projects. Buildings The Building Energy Resource hosts energy efficiency resources for building professionals of all levels. It includes educational resources, tools, and more to help people comply with codes, find funding, and make the right changes for their buildings. Electric vehicles The EV Readiness Program helps local governments prepare to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles and their charging infrastructure. The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus works with a cohort of communities to support safe and effective plans for regional transportation electrification. In addition to developing local plans and policies, the program also helps position communities for funding opportunities. Energy SolSmart is a technical assistance program, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, that supports local governments looking to increase access affordable and renewable solar energy in their communities. The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus also offers resources for municipalities interested in solar energy through its Community Solar Clearinghouse Solutions Residential Program, through which local governments can offer fair and transparent subscription terms to their communities. Funding The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Inflation Reduction Act, and Climate and Equitable Jobs Act have provided an unprecedented amount of state and federal funding for clean technologies. CMAP also awards federal funding to projects that reduce reliance on cars and greenhouse gas emissions. The Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program funds projects that improve air quality and reduce roadway congestion, the Carbon Reduction Program focuses on reducing carbon dioxide emissions, and the Transportation Alternatives Program funds non-motorized transportation projects, focusing on those that are part of the Regional Greenways and Trails Plan. On this page Comprehensive Climate Action Plan for Greater ChicagoUnderstanding northeastern Illinois’ emissionsTransit is PART of the solutionCreate your community’s climate action planSupport climate action in your community Upcoming events Event date/start date 27 Feb Climate Committee workshop Event time 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM Event date/start date 03 Apr CMAQ, CRP, & TAP Project Selection Committee meeting Event time 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Related data and resources Click to read Greenhouse Gas Emissions Click to read Greenhouse Gas Emissions Click to read Environmental Data Regional spotlight Click to read Creating a comprehensive climate action plan for Greater Chicago Click to read Creating a comprehensive climate action plan for Greater Chicago Click to read Illinois receives $430 million federal grant to reduce emissions Click to read CMAP and partners move forward on climate action planning in northeastern Illinois Click to read Clean and Equitable Transportation Act introduced, offers extensive range of transit and climate policy proposals Climate News Newsletter sign-up Opens in a modal ON TO 2050 related recommendations Click to read Intensify climate mitigation efforts Environment Click to read Make transit more competitive Mobility Click to read Target infill, infrastructure, and natural area investments Community Click to read Support development of compact, walkable communities Community