CMAP developing new socioeconomic forecast to guide future planning efforts

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) produces a socioeconomic forecast every four years as part of the regional transportation plan cycle, with two main components: a regional forecast and a local forecast. The forecast estimates the number and distribution of people and jobs in northeastern Illinois to help CMAP and the region’s communities plan for changing needs. It uses data and projections from Moody’s Analytics, the Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and other governmental data sources. The last forecast was released in late 2022, with the next forecast currently in development and to be adopted with the Regional Transportation Plan in fall 2026.  

All metropolitan planning organizations are required to forecast land use and transportation conditions to at least a 20-year planning horizon as part of creating a regional transportation plan. CMAP chose to project a planning horizon out to 2050.  

We continue to build awareness of our forecast among our municipalities, stressing its value and use for a variety of purposes including grant applications, water allocation, and local planning. Learn more about plans currently in development that the next socioeconomic forecast will guide and inform.  

If you have specific questions or would like to discuss the forecast more in-depth, please contact: