Community Data Snapshots release includes new datasets on disabilities

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) released a new set of Community Data Snapshots to help local leaders and the public track progress and make informed decisions in their communities.

These data-rich snapshots — one for each of the region’s 284 municipalities, 77 Chicago community areas, and 7 counties — summarize demographics, housing, employment, transportation habits, and other key community details.

This year’s update includes brand new datasets on people with disabilities. Also new this year is a visualization tool on CMAP’s website with charts and graphs for key data from the snapshots. You can get a quick look at your community using the tool or scroll down to download a snapshot PDF to see all the data.

The Community Data Snapshots offer local officials, planners, policymakers, and researchers reliable information and points of comparison between their community and the county and overall region.

The data comes from multiple sources, including the U.S. Census Bureau, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the Illinois Department of Employment Security, the Illinois Department of Revenue, and CMAP.