Researchers at UIC’s UTC need your help! Take the Employer Perspectives on Hybrid-Work Survey

Hybrid work continues to transform the way many workers in northeastern Illinois travel. It has impacted daily commute patterns, changed how people travel around the region, and altered the office landscape. The Urban Transportation Center (UTC) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) is conducting a research project to understand employer perspectives regarding hybrid work, supported by funding provided by the Illinois Department of Transportation.   

Under the guidance of UTC Director Dr. P.S. Sriraj, the research team developed the Employer Perspectives on Hybrid-Work Survey to gather insights from executives, human resources managers, and project leaders about hybrid work and its impacts on a variety of topics, including: 

  • work-related outcomes,  
  • interpersonal and organizational functions, and  
  • societal relations.

The findings are expected to cast a near-future vision of office work and resulting travel, as well as implications on land-use and multimodal urban transportation demand and supply.  

If you have a leading role in your organization or work in HR, we strongly encourage you to participate in the study.  

Here is how to participate:  

  • Take UTC’s survey to share your experience and thoughts, or 
  • If you prefer sitting in an interview, sign-up to schedule a 60-min. 
  • Share this message with your professional contacts, who might be interested in participating    

Please email Cemal Ayvalik at if you have any questions.