On October 12, 2022, the CMAP Board approved an update to the ON TO 2050 long-range plan, including an updated indicators appendix. Road infrastructure and technology affect the speed, frequency, and reliability of transit ridership, but lie outside the control of the transit agencies themselves. Closer partnerships between transit and agencies responsible for roadways hold promise to create integrated, multimodal corridors. These approaches support transit ridership at relatively modest cost. This indicator tracks the implementation of projects that give priority to transit service. Transit signal priority (TSP) utilizes vehicle location and wireless communication technologies to advance or extend green times at signalized intersections. This can help reduce bus travel times, improve schedule adherence, and reduce operating costs. TSP is also an important component of bus rapid transit and arterial rapid transit projects. Queue jumps can work in conjunction with TSP or on their own to allow a bus to go through an intersection ahead of other vehicles. Targets In addition to the 84 existing signals with TSP and/or queue jumping, over 400 signal improvements are currently in advanced planning or engineering to be in place by 2020. Future efforts should continue to improve intersections until at least half of intersections that serve buses have bus priority. 2025: 1,000 signals or more with TSP and/or queue jumping 2050: 2,400 signals or more with TSP and/or queue jumping Indicator Number of traffic signals with transit priority and/or queue jumping Key Actual Target Source Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning. See Indicators Appendix for methodology GO TO 2040 context This indicator is new to ON TO 2050. Sections TargetsGO TO 2040 context ON TO 2050 plan Download the executive summaryOpen Download the executive summary in a new tab Download the full reportOpen Download the full report in a new tab CMAP Update Newsletter sign-up Opens in a modal Related recommendations Click to read Make transit more competitive Mobility Click to read Harness technology to improve travel and anticipate future impacts Mobility