June 20, 2024 Creating a more livable, walkable, and resilient Calumet City Calumet City recently adopted the Calumet City Subarea Plan. Developed through the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning’s (CMAP) technical assistance program, the plan is the result of a two-year collaborative effort between Calumet City, the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, and CMAP. These partners worked with the community to develop a shared vision for a neighborhood on the eastern edge of the city with potential to support commercial development and invest in transportation improvements while addressing local flooding issues — with practical steps to achieve these goals. Subarea plans target areas within a municipality, and this plan focuses on major corridors like Pulaski Road and Burnham Avenue and surrounding neighborhoods. The plan builds on previous citywide planning efforts and aims to create a more livable, walkable, and resilient community, with objectives to: Enhance the transportation network, including pedestrian and bicycle improvements. Attract and retain existing businesses along commercial corridors like Pulaski Road, Burnham Avenue, and Wentworth Avenue. Improve local flooding and stormwater management. Calumet City Subarea PlanOpens in a new tab Article by Mike Sobczak Stay connected with your community Newsletter sign-up Opens in a modal Related news Click to read Austin’s Central Avenue Action Plan released, reimagining a vibrant corridor at the heart of Austin Posted on Click to read Austin’s Central Avenue Action Plan released, reimagining a vibrant corridor at the heart of Austin Click to read A reimagined River Grove through collaborative, comprehensive planning Posted on Click to read A reimagined River Grove through collaborative, comprehensive planning Click to read Waukegan’s new Unified Development Ordinance charts people-focused, modern approach Posted on Click to read Waukegan’s new Unified Development Ordinance charts people-focused, modern approach Click to read Technical Assistance program supports communities with ADA compliance, transportation safety, and long-term planning needs Posted on Click to read Technical Assistance program supports communities with ADA compliance, transportation safety, and long-term planning needs