May 3, 2024 Clean and Equitable Transportation Act introduced, offers extensive range of transit and climate policy proposals Proposed legislation calling for transit reform, which includes elements from the Plan of Action for Regional Transportation (PART), was filed this week. The Metropolitan Mobility Authority Act includes reforms to transit governance, organizational structure, funding, and more. In 2023, the PART report was developed in response to a state law directing CMAP to work with regional partners and develop bold policy solutions to address the transit fiscal crisis. PART outlined three areas that must work in tandem to address the $730 million fiscal cliff facing our region in 2026 and strength our transit system: system improvements, funding solutions, and governance reforms. These options together would support and strengthen transit service across northeastern Illinois. Likewise, on April 25, The Civic Federation released its position paper Reforming Mass Transit Governance in the Chicago Region calling for the linking of transit governance reforms with funding solutions. A companion appropriations bill was also introduced with the initial intent to provide $1.5 billion in additional operating funds each year to transit across the region. Additionally, the Clean and Equitable Transportation Act — the omnibus bill containing the Metropolitan Mobility Authority Act — includes two other pieces of proposed legislation that would impact CMAP’s work. The Zero Emission Vehicles Act provides several provisions accelerating zero emission vehicle adoption in Illinois. The Transportation Choices Act establishes a statewide greenhouse gas target and sets several compliance mechanisms and analytical requirements for IDOT and metropolitan planning organizations across the state. CMAP staff are reviewing the bills and will provide legislators and other stakeholders feedback in alignment with the PART report, the region’s comprehensive plan ON TO 2050, and other related work. CMAP looks forward to further collaboration with our transportation partners, stakeholders, and members of the General Assembly to strengthen transportation choices across our region and state. Interested in learning more about the options outlined in PART? Read our new Action Guide which summarizes the report’s actions for the state. Article by Mike Sobczak Stay connected with your community Newsletter sign-up Opens in a modal Related news Click to read Region unites on 2025-26 priority projects for federal investment Posted on Click to read Region unites on 2025-26 priority projects for federal investment Click to read CMAP's 2025-2026 Advocacy Agenda details policy positions and priorities that will guide the region Posted on Click to read CMAP's 2025-2026 Advocacy Agenda details policy positions and priorities that will guide the region Click to read Securing Illinois' groundwater future Posted on Click to read Securing Illinois' groundwater future Click to read New, interactive StoryMap to understand transit conditions and data Posted on Click to read New, interactive StoryMap to understand transit conditions and data