Communities can apply now for local planning assistance

Communities throughout northeastern Illinois can now submit applications to receive planning support that can make roads safer, increase access, and improve connections for all users. The annual call for communities to apply for technical assistance is officially open now until noon on March 22.

The online application covers the different program offerings and asks interested applicants a series of questions to identify their goals and strategies for projects. Communities can submit applications until the call closes at noon Friday, March 22. For any questions about the application process, email

Call for projects graphic

The planning assistance opportunities offered through the call are meant to support communities as they continue to collaborate, innovate, and plan for a more prosperous future post-pandemic. Northeastern Illinois also has extraordinary opportunities to modernize and improve transportation with the passage of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Communities selected for projects will have opportunities to strengthen planning capacity, cultivate innovative transportation approaches, and better prepare for the many funding opportunities available under the new infrastructure law.

The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) partnered again with the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) to host this year’s call for projects. The coordinated approach allows CMAP and RTA to offer planning and implementation assistance to an expanded base of eligible applicants. It also aligns all efforts with ON TO 2050, the comprehensive plan for northeastern Illinois, and Transit is the Answer, the regional transit strategic plan. Projects selected for planning assistance will be announced in early June.