May 4, 2019 New data allows an initial look at ride hailing in Chicago The City of Chicago has released data on transportation network company (TNC) trips, which will help illustrate the effects of ride hailing services such as Uber, Lyft, and Via on the transportation system, and improve policy and investment decision making. Large metropolitan areas such as Chicago already have rich data on the geographic and temporal patterns of public transportation and road usage, and the city has previously made data on taxi trips and Divvy bikeshare use public. But while new TNC services can change movement patterns and affect other modes, including transit, they’ve been under no obligation to release data to the public. The new TNC data is an exciting first step in piecing together a picture of changing travel patterns within Chicago. ON TO 2050 recommends harnessing the benefits of new technology to improve travel and support inclusive growth in the region while acknowledging that most new technologies have both benefits and drawbacks. this analysis examines preliminary findings for trips to and from economically disconnected areas (EDAs), and TNC use during congested travel times. EDAs are geographic areas that are not well connected to regional economic progress and have a concentration of low income and minority or limited English proficiency residents. Data show that rides to and from EDAs are longer and more frequently shared by multiple riders than trips outside of EDAs. Overall, TNC usage peaks on Friday and Saturday nights as well as during weekday rush hour travel periods. Transportation systems are regional in nature, meaning that TNC rides do not stop at municipal boundaries. Although there are significant limitations to the data set, explored below, the data will aid in local and regional decision making. Going forward, full understanding of TNC patterns and movement that can inform transportation planning will ultimately require more complete data and regional coverage. Download the Ride Hailing reportOpens in a new tab Article by CMAP staff Stay connected with your community Newsletter sign-up Opens in a modal Latest Highlights Click to read New water demand forecast highlights need for sustainable water management Posted on Click to read New water demand forecast highlights need for sustainable water management Click to read CMAP's 2025-2026 Advocacy Agenda details policy positions and priorities that will guide the region Posted on Click to read CMAP's 2025-2026 Advocacy Agenda details policy positions and priorities that will guide the region Click to read Securing Illinois' groundwater future Posted on Click to read Securing Illinois' groundwater future Click to read 2024 Annual Report: Serve, strengthen, empower our region Posted on Click to read 2024 Annual Report: Serve, strengthen, empower our region