October 1, 2024 Safe Travel for All media toolkit Calling all northeastern Illinois municipalities, public safety departments, safety advocates, and people who want to make our region’s roads safer for all users! We need your help amplifying the Safe Travel for All project, specifically the opportunities for people who live, work, and travel in northeastern Illinois to share their experiences and help shape countywide safety action plans for Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties. To that end, we’ve created a communications toolkit with customizable content for social media and newsletters (scroll to download images): Newsletter content (English) You can help improve traffic safety in your community Northeastern Illinois is experiencing a traffic safety crisis. Roadway deaths have been increasing over the past decade and an increasing number of those killed are people walking or riding a bike. You can make a difference by participating in the regionwide Safe Travel for All initiative to reduce — and ultimately eliminate — fatalities and serious injuries on our roads. You know the roads in your community better than anyone, and your personal experience is key to understanding safety issues and developing solutions. Please visit the [County] Safety Action Plan website (<– link text; county page links are above) to: Drop pins on the safety hotspots map Take the traffic safety survey (and get entered to win a $100 Visa gift card!) Get event and open house details Sign up for project updates Social media content (English) *please tag CMAP and other partners! Northeastern Illinois is experiencing a traffic safety crisis. You can make a difference. Share your experiences using roads in your community to help shape the [County] Safety Action Plan — you can drop a pin on the interactive traffic safety hotspots map, take the survey (and get entered in a $100 Visa gift card raffle!), get event details, and more. cmap.is/safetravelforall #SafeTravelforAll #ViajeSeguroParaTodos #SafeStreets @cmapillinois @[county social handle] Newsletter content (Spanish) Puedes ayudar a mejorar la seguridad vial en tu comunidad. El noreste de Illinois sufre una crisis de seguridad vial. Las muertes viales han ido en aumento en la última década, y un porcentaje creciente de las víctimas son personas que van a pie o en bicicleta. Tú puedes marcar la diferencia participando en la iniciativa Viaje Seguro para Todos, que busca reducir – y, en última instancia, eliminar – las fatalidades y lesiones graves en nuestras carreteras. Tú conoces las carreteras de tu comunidad mejor que nadie, y tu experiencia personal es clave para comprender los problemas de seguridad y desarrollar soluciones. Por favor, visita el sitio web del Plan de Acción de Seguridad del [County] (<– link text; county page links are above) para: Colocar chinchetas en el mapa de puntos críticos de seguridad Responder la encuesta sobre seguridad vial (¡y participar en el sorteo de una tarjeta de regalo Visa de $100!). Obtener información sobre eventos y jornadas de puertas abiertas. Suscribirte para recibir actualizaciones del proyecto. Social media content (Spanish) *please tag CMAP and other partners! El noreste de Illinois sufre una crisis de seguridad vial. Tú puedes marcar la diferencia. Comparte tus experiencias al usar las carreteras en tu comunidad para ayudar a dar forma al Plan de Acción de Seguridad del [County]. Puedes marcar puntos en el mapa interactivo de zonas críticas de seguridad vial, responder la encuesta (¡y participar en el sorteo de una tarjeta de regalo Visa de $100!), obtener detalles de los eventos, y más. cmap.is/safetravelforall #SafeTravelforAll #ViajeSeguroParaTodos #SafeStreets @cmapillinois @[county social handle] Social media graphics Right click then “Save image as” (PNG recommended) Learn more about CMAP’s traffic safety work. Article by Kaitlin Cernak Stay connected with your community Newsletter sign-up Opens in a modal Related news Click to read Region unites on 2025-26 priority projects for federal investment Posted on Click to read Region unites on 2025-26 priority projects for federal investment Click to read CMAP launches regional questionnaire to shape future transportation plan Posted on Click to read CMAP launches regional questionnaire to shape future transportation plan Click to read You can help improve traffic safety in northeastern Illinois Posted on Click to read You can help improve traffic safety in northeastern Illinois Click to read I-290 Eisenhower Expressway/Blue Line Corridor project gets boost Posted on Click to read I-290 Eisenhower Expressway/Blue Line Corridor project gets boost