What is the Strategic Regional Arterial system?

The Strategic Regional Arterial (SRA) system is intended to carry larger volumes of traffic at higher speeds as a complement to the region’s expressway system. Efforts are made to preserve the level of service on these roadways through appropriate access and traffic signal locations and spacing. To ensure a high level of service for traffic on the SRA system, the Illinois Department of Transportation maintains more restrictive criteria in determining the need for and spacing of traffic signals and access points.

As CMAP develops small-area traffic projections for implementing agencies, we also check whether the location in question is on a Strategic Regional Arterial and direct the applicant to review the relevant SRA report for its recommendations.

SRA map

Download or view the PDF map (view at 100% or 125% to read the numbers more easily) to identify which of the region’s roadways are included in the SRA system, or have been proposed for SRA status. The numbers listed near the road name labels (for example, SRA 514) indicate what SRA study report includes this roadway. Some SRA studies are still underway, with reports not yet available.

Design concept report

Entire document (4MB PDF)
Table of Contents , Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , Chapter 8 , Chapter 9 , Chapter 10

Performance criteria analysis

Table of Contents , Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5

Access SRA studies

PDF copies of all completed SRA studies are now available from IDOT. To view hard copies of full reports at CMAP’s office, please contact us. To view a full report at IDOT’s Schaumburg office, or for questions about studies underway or upcoming reports, please contact Brian Carlson at IDOT District 1-847-705-4080 (Brian.Carlson@illinois.gov). Finally, for questions related to the SRA designation process, contact Thomas Murtha 312-386-8649 (tmurtha@cmap.illinois.gov).