Improving travel safety for all Northeastern Illinois is experiencing a traffic safety crisis. Roadway deaths have been increasing since 2014, with a sharp increase during the COVID-19 pandemic, and an increasing number of those killed are people walking or riding a bike — our most vulnerable travelers. And while the traffic safety crisis affects everyone, the risk is greater among low-income and Black communities. Improving traffic safety saves lives. When people feel safe walking and biking around their communities, they are less likely to drive — with positive impacts on traffic congestion, public health, air quality, and our environment. ON TO 2050, the region’s long-range plan, recommends improving travel safety. The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) sets safety targets and programs transportation funds to meet these targets. CMAP also works with partners and communities across northeastern Illinois to take a comprehensive approach to safety. Learn how to use road design and technology to support pedestrian safety. How does CMAP address safety? CMAP’s Safe Travel for All Roadmap (STAR) provides a framework for research and programs to make northeastern Illinois safer for all travelers. STAR is a multiyear effort to improve traffic safety in a comprehensive, equitable, data-informed, and collaborative way. It focuses on speed management and improving safety for people walking, rolling, and riding bicycles. STAR includes four approaches: Develop safety action plans and support implementation to advance equity goals Prioritize the development of Complete Streets that are safe, convenient, and connected networks for people walking, biking, and using transit Collaborate with partners to identify policy improvements and data needs that will improve safety Increase awareness and use of the Safe System Approach to improve safety proactively for all road users Regionwide safety action planning is underway Safe Travel for All is a regionwide initiative to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries in northeastern Illinois. The project funded by a nearly $4 million Safe Streets and Roads for All grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, with additional funding support from the Illinois Department of Transportation and county partners. As a part of Safe Travel for All, six counties (Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will) in the region are developing safety action plans specific to their communities, guided by a first-of-its-kind regional framework to coordinate future improvements. By working together, our region can maximize the impact of local and systemwide traffic safety improvements. You can help shape the future of traffic safety in our region! Please visit the Safe Travel for All project website (and county-specific pages linked within) to: Drop pins on the safety hotspots map Take the traffic safety survey Get event and open house details Sign up for project updates Reducing vehicle speeds is critical to improving traffic safety CMAP’s Speed Management report explores the factors that contribute to speed-related traffic safety risks and provides recommendations on road design, speed limit policy, education, and equitable enforcement. The report proposes that the region adopt the Safe System Approach to achieve travel safety goals outlined in ON TO 2050, the region’s comprehensive plan. It also informs our region’s safety action planning work. The report presents the following key recommendations: Improve roadway design and capacity guidance to reduce speeding and exposure to safety risks Reduce speed limits in urbanized areas where people walk, bike, and use transit Support safe driving behavior with education and equitable enforcement Speed Management executive summaryOpens in a new tab Speed Management reportOpens in a new tab Help spread the word about how slower is safer — check out CMAP’s Speed Management communications toolkit for sample newsletter and social text and customizable graphics that communities can share. How CMAP addresses safety CMAP provides communities in the region with technical assistance to improve safety. Six counties in the region (Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will), as well as the Greater Ashburn community area in Chicago and the Town of Cicero, will develop safety action plans with CMAP through STAR. The plans will identify context-specific strategies to improve roadway safety for all users, particularly for people walking, biking, or using a wheelchair. CMAP also awards federal funding to advance projects that address high or critical safety issues with countermeasures appropriate for the crash type(s) in the project corridor/area, through the regional Surface Transportation Program Shared Fund. On this page How does CMAP address safety?Regionwide safety action planning is underwayReducing vehicle speeds is critical to improving traffic safetyHow CMAP addresses safety Upcoming events Event date/start date 28 Feb Transportation Committee meeting Event time 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Event date/start date 25 Apr Transportation Committee meeting Event time 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM Related data and resources Click to read Complete Streets Click to read Complete Streets Click to read Transportation Data Regional spotlight Click to read Break the jam: Continuing the conversation about how to manage congestion Click to read Break the jam: Continuing the conversation about how to manage congestion Click to read Safe Travel for All media toolkit Click to read You can help improve traffic safety in northeastern Illinois Click to read I-290 Eisenhower Expressway/Blue Line Corridor project gets boost Safety News Newsletter sign-up Opens in a modal ON TO 2050 related recommendations Click to read Improve travel safety Mobility Click to read Leverage the transportation network to promote inclusive growth Mobility Click to read Fully fund the region’s transportation system Mobility Click to read Support development of compact, walkable communities Community Click to read Coordinate infrastructure operations and maintenance Governance