This page includes resources specific to existing or potential project sponsors of Surface Transportation Program (STP) projects — both in the STP Shared Fund and Local Programs. General TIP resources are available on the TIP programmer page.

Programming and management policies

Active program management forms

Additional resources

View programming marks, letting schedules, roadway functional reclassification information, implementation guidance, and status reports.

Programming marks

Letting schedule

The current IDOT letting schedule includes the federal authorization dates for projects. (updated March 2024).

Roadway functional classification

Roads must be classified as collectors or higher to be eligible to receive federal aid. IDOT’s interactive map shows functional class designations regionwide. CMAP created the Roadway functional classification guide to help municipalities and their councils of mayors request updates to roadway functional classification.

Implementation guidance

CMAP created guidance for sponsors about the next steps for implementing federally funded projects: 

Past approved programs