Helping communities and partners track and implement transportation projects across northeastern Illinois

The current Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) project list is available on the eTIP website, which programming and implementing agencies use to manage project implementation. The eTIP database contains details about approved projects, a record of amendments, and search tools for locating projects geographically and by project or funding type. It also has an interactive map of projects included in the current TIP, displayed throughout the region by project type with summary information.

TIP guidance

Schedule and due dates

The majority of highway, bicycle, and pedestrian projects contained in the TIP are accomplished through the IDOT state letting process. As such, the regular schedule for amending the TIP is derived to meet deadlines associated with the state’s schedule. The state letting schedule, a master schedule of meetings and due dates, and a calendar of TIP amendment actions are provided below:

TIP amendments

The TIP is regularly amended by the CMAP Transportation Committee. Amendments for projects not requiring air quality conformity analysis are posted with the committee materials for public comment one week prior to consideration. Following committee approval, amendments are forwarded to IDOT for inclusion in the state TIP. See the master transportation schedule for scheduled amendment dates.

Major projects with the potential to affect the region’s air quality undergo a semi-annual conformity analysis. These conformity amendments are scheduled for consideration by the MPO Policy Committee, following at least 30 days of public comment.

Each formal amendment period requires the submittal of new TIP projects and changes to existing projects 10 days before CMAP’s Transportation Committee meeting. TIP changes associated with the semi-annual conformity determination are due a minimum of three months prior to the MPO Policy Committee meeting at which approval will be sought.

Once reviewed by the public and approved by either the Transportation Committee or MPO Policy Committee, the approval is entered into the eTIP database, and IDOT, FHWA, and FTA are notified of the approval. Following IDOT review for inclusion in the STIP, their approval is entered into eTIP, and FHWA and FTA are notified that the amendment is available for federal review.

Upon FHWA and FTA approval in eTIP, all reviewing parties and CMAP receive this notice:

Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning CMAP Formal Amendment [number] and the corresponding amendment to the FY 2021-2024 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) has been approved by [name] on [date]. Based on the FHWA, Illinois Division and FTA Region 5 ongoing oversight of the planning activities for the Chicago MPO-CMAP, the federal agencies find that the transportation planning process of the region substantially meets the planning requirements described in 23 CFR 450. The public transportation projects listed in the TIP amendment report and amended to the STIP are eligible for project authorization requests.

These federal approvals establish the new approved TIP project list. The approval dates for all amendments are reported on the eTIP public website. Notes from reviewers may also be displayed.


Section 26-11.03(d) Information for NEPA Documents or Project Reports of the IDOT Bureau of Design and Environment manual requires the following standard language regarding the status of the project with regard to the Clean Air Act conformity regulations to be included in the environmental documentation.

This project is included in the FY 2023-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) endorsed by the Metropolitan Planning Organization Policy Committee of the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) for the region in which the project is located. Projects in the TIP are considered to be consistent with the 2050 regional transportation plan endorsed by CMAP. The project is within the fiscally constrained portion of the plan.

On October 17, 2022, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) determined that the 2050 regional transportation plan conforms with the State Implementation Plan (SIP) and the transportation-related requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. On October 17,2022, the FHWA and the FTA determined that the TIP also conforms with the SIP and the Clean Air Act Amendments. These findings were in accordance with 40 CFR Part 93, “Determining Conformity of Federal Actions to State or Federal Implementation Plans.”

The project’s design concept and scope are consistent with the project information used for the TIP conformity analysis. Therefore, this project conforms to the existing State Implementation Plan and the transportation-related requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments.

The TIP number for this project is __________________.

ON TO 2050 amendments

ON TO 2050, northeastern Illinois’ comprehensive plan, includes a set of fiscally constrained regionally significant projects. Availability of new revenues and/or sufficient advancement through the project development process may require interim evaluation of select projects. View the amendment process for proposed additions to the ON TO 2050 fiscally constrained project list and learn more about proposed ON TO 2050 amendments.

Annual obligation and performance reports

At the end of each federal fiscal year, a report is prepared to document the transportation funds available, programmed, and obligated within the CMAP region for that year. Starting in FFY 2019, the report also describes how the programmed and obligated project phases affect the achievement of performance targets established under Title 23 U.S.C. §450.306(d) and identified in ON TO 2050.

Obligation reports and data

IDOT resources

Local transportation programs

The websites listed below provide information about current transportation programs and planning efforts from programming agencies other than CMAP.